«El señor Wonka, dueño de la magnífica fábrica de chocolate, ha escondido cinco billetes de oro en sus chocolatinas. Quienes las encuentran serán elegidos para visitar la fábrica y obtener un fabuloso regalo.»
«In the old days, when Kate had no interest in boys, she never cared what other people thought. Now, it appeared, love was turning her into a rotten human being. [She] wishes she could talk to her best friend, Marylin, about this. But Marylin is no longer her best friend. Or is she?»
«Pacy Lin is ready for summer! But her parents have decided the family is going to visit Taiwan for a whole month. Taiwan? Pacy isn’t even sure if she knows where that is.»
«¿Sabías que Blancanieves era la jefa de una banda de enanos apostadores? ¿Que Caperucita coleccionaba abrigos de piel de lobo? ¿Y que el lobo feroz pretendía hacer volar la casa de los cerditos con dinamita?»